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Ella DeRosier

Major: Global Health

Year in School: Senior

Year in House: 3rd

Position: Treasurer

Hometown: Osceola, WI

Favorite Hobby: Taking pictures of bugs

Favorite House Meal: Crispy chickpeas

about me

Ever since I was in high school I dreamed of going to the University of Wisconsin Madison. A public Ivy league, being accepted felt like an assurance to greatness. Growing up I always thought happiness would come to me through the specific (ivy league level) school I attended, or a fancy degree I earned, or even the great success a place seemed to promise, but it hasn’t. In the end it’s the people. It’s the friends I’ve made. It’s the people I left behind. To look into another persons eyes, to trust them, to truly know them and feel they know you; that is happiness. That is what matters to me. Not which school I went to, not proving how smart I could be, and not endless success. But the people, the amazing, unique, interesting, people; They will matter to me forever.


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1936 University Ave

Madison, WI 53726​​


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